1990 Honda Accord

1990 Honda Accord
1990 Honda Accord

1990 Honda AccordThe 1990 Honda Accord is one of the few Foreign cars produced for that model year in the mid-size sedan class that was able to get great crash test ratings for front and side impact tests. The vehicle didn't get the absolute best rating, but faired well enough that serious injury was unlikely. What's more is that the vehicle offers great fuel economy along with enough room on the inside for rear passengers not to feel cramped. Overall ride quality isn't too bad either, comparing quite nicely with that of its biggest competitor the Toyota Camry.

This specific model was only in production for 4 model years (1990-1993) before it was entirely redesigned again. Basic appearance on the outside is that of a more boxy image where the front end has distinct lines separating the hood to the front side panels. Overall it is quite similar in appearance to that of it's little brother, the Civic. Both a 2 coupe and 4 door sedan body style are offered and there is a great selection of trim packages as well.

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