Honda Accord Pictures

Honda Accord PicturesThe Honda Accord & the Accord Hubcaps are part of a series that has mid-size cars that have been produced by Honda ever since 1976.

Honda Accord PicturesIn 1982, the Honda Accord & the Accord Wheel Covers were considered to be the first Japanese car that was manufactured in the United States. Not only was it made here, but it was even made in countries like New Zealand, England, China, & even Thailand! If you'd assume, I guess you can say that this car is what people prefer worldwide; since it's manufactured in so many other parts of the world. You know?

Honda Accord PicturesThe Honda Accord, as well as the Accord Wheel Covers that came on it, has been pretty successful throughout its different generations. From the years of 1982-1997, it was known as the best selling Japanese automobile; in 1991 & 2001, there was about 10 Million of these cars sold! If you were to compare the tests that it went through back then and the tests that it goes through now, you'd see that even up to this day, the Honda Accord is considered to be one of the most reliable cars on the market as of this point.

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