Honda Accord Variants

Honda Accord VariantsHonda Accord is one of the luxurious sedan models in Indian auto market. This luxurious sedan is a synthesis of advanced styling, complete comfort, and sophistication. The car is introduced with the more power and passenger space. As compared to other sedan models Accord is much impressive and more dynamic in drive. Its extreme bold and aggressive looks make the car more exclusive and elite.

Honda has put their full efforts to improve its Honda Accord from every aspect, interior to exteriors, to make the car better from its forerunners. This car comes with spacious and roomy interiors which not only bring comfort while driving but gives you a feeling of relaxation. The rear Air Conditioning vent makes the journey more peaceful and calm.

The new Honda Accord is available in eight variants such as Accord 2.4 M/T, 2.4 Elegance M/T, 2.4 A/T, 2.4 Inspire M/T, 2.4 Elegance A/T, 2.4 Inspire A/T, 3.5 V6 and Accord 3.5 V6 Inspire. Let's talk about the price and features of each variant of Accord.

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