Honda Vehicles - The Best and Worst Models For 2009

Honda Vehicles - The Best and Worst Models For 2009The Honda Motor Company says they look at the "global perspective" when designing their vehicles, and they do seem to keep the prices affordable.

Honda Vehicles - The Best and Worst Models For 2009This automobile manufacturer has developed a vehicle that uses a sustainable energy source; the hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle-the very first hybrid to be accepted by the EPA and the strict state of California.

Along with their automobile efforts, Honda is delving into motorcycles, power products and even robotics.

Here's a look at what consumer's are judging their best and worst models for 2009. If you like Hondas, no matter what make or model, don't forget to buy a Honda extended warranty-this is great way to extend the original manufacturer's warranty.

2009 Honda CR-V - The Best

The Honda CR-V comes in eight different styles all with a 2.4 liter engines. The LX, EX, EX-L, and EX-L with navigation all come in both front and all wheel drive options and range in affordable price ranges for what you get-between $21,000 to $29,000. Designed as a small SUV, the Honda CR-V offers a modest but well trimmed exterior and the interior provides everything you'd expect from Honda.

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