Delving Into the Honda Accord Coupe

Delving Into the Honda Accord CoupeThe 2006 Honda Accord Coupe is yet another freshened vehicle for the mentioned model year. It holds two doors and it is a family coupe or a sports coupe. It has the capacity to take in a maximum of five passengers in its spacious cabin. It has also been made available in a couple of trim levels which ranges from the LX to the EX.

Upon its introduction, the Honda Accord LX 5 speed MT comes equipped with a standard 2.4 liter I4 engine. It has the capacity to produce some 166 units of horsepower and can attain 26 mpg for driving in the city and some 34 mpg for travails on the highway. Made standard for this trim level is a five speed manual transmission system with overdrive. As per the EX V6 five speed AT with Navigation and XM radio, this trim level comes with a standard 3.0 liter V6 engine. This engine has the capacity and capability to create some 244 horsepower. It can attain and achieve 20 mpg for driving in the city and 29 mpg on the highway. Made standard for this trim level is a five speed automatic transmission system with overdrive.

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