2003 Honda Civic Hybrid Car - Easy on the Environment and on Your Budget

2003 Honda Civic Hybrid Car - Easy on the Environment and on Your BudgetCar makers have come up with an innovation by producing vehicles that can help both the environment and the driver's budget. They have manufactured a certain type of car that can function with more than one power-source option. These are the hybrid cars. And one that offers comfort and style: 2003 Honda Civic hybrid car.

What is a Hybrid Car?

A hybrid car is a one that uses more than one energy source to power the car. A gasoline engine and an electric battery run it. These are what we now know as the Gas Electric Hybrid Cars.

A hybrid car can either be a full hybrid or an assist hybrid type. A full hybrid is a car that can run either with a gasoline engine or through batteries or both, while a gasoline engine primarily runs an assist hybrid and the battery takes charge of the gas engine when gas runs out.

There are three most popular hybrid cars in the market. The first car that had been released was the Japanese-made Toyota Prius in 1997, and then followed by Honda Insight, also a Japanese-made car, which was released to the American and Canadian markets in 1999. A few years later, Honda again released another hybrid car: the Honda Civic hybrid.

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